Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catalan Names

Because this is my blog and I can write whatever I want in the world wide web....I've decided to post my knowledge of Catalan names. I lived in Barcelona for a bit and learned that people don't have Spanish names there. So here we go, this should be fun. I will write in English, Spanish, and then Catalan. Pronunciations will be in parenthesis.

James, Jaime (High-May), Jaume (Jow-Ma)

Anna, Ana (Ah-Na) , Aina (Eye-Na)

Xavier, Javier (Ha-Vi-Air), Xavier (Shavi-Ay) or (Shavi-Air)...will have to check with the Catalans on that one. I know they call them "Xavi" (Shavi) for short

George, Jorge (Hor-Hay), Jordi (Jor-Dee)

John, Juan (Whan), Joan (Jo-On) or with accent (Zsho-On)

And a couple of Catalan names that don't translate are: Mireia (Me-Ray-Ya) and Montserrat (Mohnt-Ser-Aht). Montserrat is a name of a mountain there.

Ok your turn. Give me some names from other countries. Or your favorite names in general.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite names is Eugenia. But, pronounced like the Greeks do, which is "ev-ya-nee-ah" (with the stress on the "nee").
