James, Jaime (High-May), Jaume (Jow-Ma)
Anna, Ana (Ah-Na) , Aina (Eye-Na)
Xavier, Javier (Ha-Vi-Air), Xavier (Shavi-Ay) or (Shavi-Air)...will have to check with the Catalans on that one. I know they call them "Xavi" (Shavi) for short
George, Jorge (Hor-Hay), Jordi (Jor-Dee)
John, Juan (Whan), Joan (Jo-On) or with accent (Zsho-On)
And a couple of Catalan names that don't translate are: Mireia (Me-Ray-Ya) and Montserrat (Mohnt-Ser-Aht). Montserrat is a name of a mountain there.
Ok your turn. Give me some names from other countries. Or your favorite names in general.
One of my favorite names is Eugenia. But, pronounced like the Greeks do, which is "ev-ya-nee-ah" (with the stress on the "nee").