Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Keely's Hat

This is a hat I crocheted for Keely, the cutie pictured above. I made it too small. Keely is baby signing the word "hurt." So I hope the hat isn't hurting her. Hats are hard when you don't have a head to try it on as you go. Hats are difficult in general and this was my first hat. I found a free online pattern called "The Ava hat" but I don't remember the link. Sorry person if you stumbled upon my blog. I chose the colors and added the button. I was trying to think of a fancy name for this title. Something hawaiian like "waikeely" because the colors are tropical-ish. But I didn't want to mislead anyone into thinking I have been to Hawaii (like anyone would have connected it to Waikiki in the first place). But Keely's Aunt Kayla has been there so maybe she would have. Hmm? Kayla?

1 comment:

  1. Aww, my niece! If I had to guess why she is signing "hurt", it was probably b/c Kelly was trying to keep her occupied long enough to take the picture. That girl just doesn't stop moving. And the colors are beautiful. I agree that they are tropical-ish. Or better yet, "lagooney" (a word I made up years ago).
