Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So I won't typically post my architecture stuff here, but we just installed a new rendering program. I tried it, these were my first renders. Still a little cheesy....the wood just doesn't look realistic enough. But maybe now that I am posting this I will have to do another to show you my progress.
My blog keeps me from procrastinating, or rather does it encourage procrastination? I am supposed to be working on my architecture competition. But I need a brain brake. So I am procrastinating by blogging, yet now that I have written about the competition...I will have to finish and win this darn thing, so that I do not appear a failure. You get the idea.
Anywho, this is master suite that I "designed" for one of our clients. The finish materials have not yet been determined, so I kept it "suburban contemporary" in case I actually decide to show this to the client or to my boss. I know the toilet is square....Don't be overly critical, I did it for fun.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I can say this without it coming out wrong... but I have a whole new respect for what you do! This is so cool! I'm glad you put these up. I've always thought your job was cool, but this makes it more real.
