Wednesday, May 27, 2009

La Fleur

No! Not Sawyer from Lost.

Flowers! Yay! I've been wanting to crochet a flower. This one was so easy. I found the pattern here

And in case you didn't get the title, it means "the flower" in French. It's one of the few words I remember from taking 3 or 4 years of French. I took all the French and ended up speaking Spanish. And if you watch Lost, you get the reference.

1 comment:

  1. I love this one, it is so pretty. Is the purple in the background the same as my scarf? This would be really cute on a headband or something. Maybe I'm completely wrong, who knows.

    (Don't hate me for not sending you a picture. I love the scarf and have used it plenty of times, but I always felt self conscious about taking a picture.)
