Monday, November 16, 2009

Bobble Beagle Cowl

I decided on Sunday to make myself some boot warmers because its getting colder by the minute here. So I am crocheting along and what do you know I have semi-circle. That's what you get for crocheting during an episode of Fringe. So... what do we have here? A beagle cowl of course! Thanks Mona for being such a great model (that was the least blurry photo I could capture). I am considering knitting or crocheting a body to attach it to. But she doesn't look very thrilled as is. I am thrilled, however, for finally working my way through a stash of blah orange yarn that I bought last year before I learned about specialty yarns. Still have lots left, better get to making those boot warmers.

"Bobble" is the stitch I used.. in case you were wondering about the title.

For those who want to know how to do this bobble stitch:

dc 5 in same stitch, leaving one loop on hook per dc (pull through first 2 loops after the first yo and then pull through one loop the second yo leaving a loop on the hook). After completing 5 of these you should have 6 loops on hook. yo and pull through all stitches remaining on hook. finish by slip stitching.

I've been lazy, sorry the photos still have a halo. I will send it off soon.


  1. AW, she looks so cute! On my laptop the color looks more like red so it looks like she is ready for a fancy Christmas party. You could make Daisy a green one and they can attend together. :) (Not sure if Daisy would be thrilled about wearing one either though. Don't these pups know how cute they look in sweaters and cowls?)

  2. I edited the first photo so there's is much less halo and a little more true color due to the wonderful light coming through my window right now! Enjoy!
