Wednesday, June 3, 2009

60's oven mitt

Bear with me, I have a couple of dated looking craft projects to post. The first is an oven mitt that I crocheted way back when (last October). But a crocheted oven mitt doesn't really work, because there are holes and you can burn yourself. So I bought a sewing machine (to sew onto crochet). But I have read that sewing machines and crochet don't mix....well unless you are talented in which I am not. So I hand sewed a felt piece and a little fabric on top of this crochet square. I figured, I won't try to fight my kitchen design. I will just go with it. Plus the 60's rock right?

Ok if any crocheter stumbles upon my page...know that the stitches might look strange because I used the stamp tool in photoshop to clean off some lent that I got from the washing machine. Stitches include a double crochet with some front and back post stitches. Fun Stuff!


  1. I like the cute retro pot holder. How does it work? Any burns?

  2. Pot holder is the word I was looking for. Couldn't find it so I went with "oven mitt." But it works by folding it in half. Its just a really thick square. No burns...its working much better than when it was only a crochet square. The padding is what made it truly a pot holder.
