Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Don't Stop Believin'

Yeah well I was going to bed, but then Dooce's blog mentioned Journey and it made me miss LA. While living in LA, I would sigh every time Journey's most famous song came on, for some reason they play it EVERYWHERE. No kidding. Well its about time for some Journey. We could all use a little bit of that song these days. So I would like to dedicate this song to first and foremost Kayla and you know why. And secondly, to all those out there who have lost their jobs or may be losing them. Thirdly, to Justin, who I am sure believes Ramona the beagle will never grow out of her bad habits. Fourthly (is there ever a fourthly?), to all those in Chicago who believe summer will never come. And lastly, to those Angelenos that sing this tune daily.

A message from your small town girl, living in a lonely world....

Im ouuut.

1 comment:

  1. i love the dedication. i also love that song and had it playing on my iPod just the other day.

    some will win, some will loose
    some were born to sing the blues

    NOT ME! i only sing the blues so i feel cultured.
