Saturday, April 25, 2009

sketchup dream

I had a sketchup (3d modeling program) dream last night that I thought I would share with you. So, in reality mona was snoring so loud. I think I was halfway between consciousness and subconciousness. But I kept trying to resolve the snoring with a sketchup command. First I drew a soundproof box around her. That didnt work, so I tried finding a mute command (there wasn't one, but I could have sworn I had seen it before), then I tried deleting layers because I thought it would help her breathe better. This all sounds completely ridiculous as I type it out. But thats how dreams go. She finally stopped snoring when the birds started chirping. Now its time to start my day!


  1. I woke up this morning and immediately started telling Jason about my 3 long dreams. In one I was angry, another I was scared, and the other one I was scared and angry.... what's the deal?

    I love how our minds work in dreams though. Yous is a perfect example. The abstract way of thought is just so fascinating.

  2. How could I forget to comment on how adorable Mona is? I want to cuddle with her.
